The Argentinian Side of the Falls and Itaipu
As you can see from this map taken from a wooden plaque in the park on the Argentinian side there's a lot of trails on both sides of the falls. On the lower Brasil side is the path from the hotel to the mouth of the falls. The paths on the Argentinian side are high above the waterfalls. All the paths corssing the falls were close because of the high water levels.
Mack and Bev who are working with the US embassy in Brasilia and originally from Virginia. Thanks for the great conversations.
From almost the same location way above the falls we have Tiffany and Hans
Itaipu is the town where the power generator is located and also the name of the hydroelectric power facility.
This is an arial view from a tourism slide of the facility.We visited the power plant and because of its huge size really we didn't get any pictures as good as these that show or explain the importance of this mega power generating facility.

The statistics on this facility were so large that we became numb. It's like thinking about the US budget - trillion this, billions that, ahemm..

Photos of Iguazu's Natural Beauty
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