The Crocodile and Rhino Park in Zambia

This is granddad at 63 years of age and about 15 feet (5 meters). He was kind of lethargic - thank goodness - even though we were not very close. You can see my shadow in the upper left hand corner for size comparison.
These guys, however, were like the ones in the amazon - much more full of energy. The breeding pits were divided into age groups. That way they don't eat each other. Many crocodiles farms look like this. Once they grow up the owners kill the crocodiles and sell the the skins for leather products.
There was more than just crocodiles at the crocodile farm. Not that we would guess this by the name of the place. There were large mammals like lions and a leopard. The lion cubs looked so cute, cuddly and playful. We couldn't help watching them play around endlessly - tackling each other and rolling in the grass. Tiff even went back later in the week just to see them again.
We got very close to the only leopard we'd see in Africa. We tried hard to spot these in the wild but we were unsuccessful - they are hard to find now.
This is our closest shot of a lion. The animals are spectacular, especially those like this one since they are large and impressive but still young and feisty.
We also went to the Rhino park across the Zambezi bridge in Zambia to see nearly extinct Rhinos. Often there was cape buffalo which can be very large and be very angry and dangerous. Check out the cute little guy hiding behind mama buffalo. He doesn't look so mean hu?
We did see 3 out of the 5 remaining Rhinos in all of Zambia. It's a very sad situation with Rhinos since poachers are killing them for their horns - which the Chinese think by eating it will make them "horny".
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